Which document do you want to create today?

Complaint - deadline missed

By law the deadlines for residence permits decisions are:

  • extending validity of any permit - 60 days
  • extending validity of any permit (before 01.07.2023) - 30 days
  • permanent residence permit application - 60 days
  • blue card application - 90 days
  • employee card application - 60 days (120 days in some cases)
  • long-term residence permit for the purpose of study - 60 days
  • long-term residence permit for the purpose of family reunification with scientific research visa holder - 60 days
  • long-term residence permit for the purpose of family reunification with blue card holder - 90 days
  • long-term residence permit for the purpose of family reunification - 270 days
  • long-term residence permit for residents of other EU countries - 120 days
  • povolení k přechodnému pobytu - 60 days
  • long-term visa for the purpose of study - 60 days
  • long-term visa - 90 days (120 in some cases)
  • Deadlines information from the official mvcr.cz website
  • If you are waiting longer - it is time to do something about it.

Complaint CZ Citizenship - deadline missed

By law the deadline for decision is 30+180 days

If you are waiting longer - it is time to do something about it.

Stížnost na nedostupnost zdravotní péče (PVZP)

At the Parliament round table on Feb, 7, 2023 (now former) PVZP Vice-President Halina Trskova has confirmed that the feedback loop is broken and despite PVZP clients having left numerous complaints with the PVZP Assistance service PVZP top management has heard none of them. So let's help PVZP management see how dire their clients' situation is with medical services availability.

Reminder that PVZP contract for kids is not needed starting Jan, 1, 2024

A kind reminder for the Ministry of Interior that they should not cap kids' long-term residence permits validity by the duration of PVZP insurance anymore.

Residence permit application

A fillable PDF version of the generic "the green one" residence permit application. Can be used for long-term and permanent residence permits application or extension.

Long-term residence permit kind reminder - main application approved

Your family applied together with you for long-term residence permits for the purpose of reunification, your application has already been approved but theirs still not?

Confirmation of current residence in the Czech Republic (potvrzení o současném pobytu)

When you have to confirm current residence in the Czech Republic. Usually issued the same day.

Certificate of residence in the Czech Republic (historie pobytu)

When you have to confirm the duration of your residence. Most typical usecase is to prove that you have spent N years in the Czech Republic. The waiting time can be up to 30 days.

Rodičovský příspěvek application

Rodičovský příspěvek is the parental leave allowance that parents are entitled to until their youngest kid turns 4. Everyone is entitled to 10 000 czk/month (no proof of earlier income needed), a higher amount per month up to 70% of reducted salary can be requested (proof of income to the day the child is born required).

Rodičovský příspěvek affidavit

Foreigners are often requested to provide additional documents when applying for Rodičovský příspěvek. One of them is proof that you are not receiving similar allowance in your home country.

Rodné číslo assignment application

Rodné číslo is the unique identifier that every institution in the Czech Republic will want from you. Unless requested directly the process of assignment may take from several months to several years.

Potvrzení o daňovém domicilu

This confirmation is likely to be requested by your employer's financial advisor.

Prohlášení o dlouhodobém pobytu v cizině (UA)

This form can be used by UA refugees to temporarily opt-out of the Czech public health insurance for the duration of their stay in the Ukraine.

Created by fernflower, 2021