By law the deadlines for residence permits decisions are:
If you are waiting longer - it is time to do something about it.
At the Parliament round table on Feb, 7, 2023 (now former) PVZP Vice-President Halina Trskova has confirmed that the feedback loop is broken and despite PVZP clients having left numerous complaints with the PVZP Assistance service PVZP top management has heard none of them. So let's help PVZP management see how dire their clients' situation is with medical services availability.
Rodičovský příspěvek is the parental leave allowance that parents are entitled to until their youngest kid turns 4. Everyone is entitled to 10 000 czk/month (no proof of earlier income needed), a higher amount per month up to 70% of reducted salary can be requested (proof of income to the day the child is born required).
Created by fernflower, 2021